Peaches and Wine “Pesche con vino” 

Italy in the summer...the sea, the rocky beaches, the fresh fish, and the heat. And to help beat the heat we have my favorite summer fruit....peaches! What is better than a juicy peach? A juicy peach in wine. I always look forward to seaside lunches with a pitcher of wine and peaches to follow for dessert. It is simple and refreshing. During the summer there is no wine without peaches in my home. Meant to be enjoyed simply and carefree! 

Using yellow or white peaches…

(This recipe is using 4 peaches...feel free to use more depending on how many people you plan to serve!)


  1. Wash the peaches in cold water. After, cut the peaches into slices.

  2. Squeeze the juice of a ½ lemon on top of the peaches to prevent oxidation. 

  3. Sprinkle about 2 tsp of sugar on top.

  4. Allow peaches, lemon juice, and sugar to rest in the bowl for about 15 minutes (you want the sugar to dissolve). 

  5. Pour your favorite wine: red, white, or even rosé into a bowl or pitcher with your peach mixture. (If you don’t like sweet wine, I would recommend using a medium-bodied to dry wine- your peaches add sweetness!)

  6. Cover the bowl or pitcher and let it rest in the refrigerator for about two hours.

  7. Now, it is time to enjoy! Best served in a chilled glass. Cin cin!

To keep it simple & still live la dolce vita: Simply pour your favorite glass of wine and add some slices of a chilled peach.

Ahh...the sweet & simple life (now I’m really spoiling you!) 


“The Pollifrone Sunday Classic”